Thursday, March 26, 2015

Top 10 Superhero Movies

In today’s blog post entry, I want to explore my top ten favorite superhero movies. A superhero must either be based on a comic book, or the hero must be known as a superhero by the people around them. I am not basing this off of the hero or heroes in question, I am basing it off of the movie itself and how much I liked it. I am not repeating any hero on this list, so it is one movie per hero. This list is only based off of movies that I have personally seen and if a movie is not on this list, I may not have seen and, but I recommend that you leave a comment. As always, spoilers will be ahead.

10. Man of Steel- Superman
It might not look like it, but those are tights!
This has been the only Superman movie that I have ever really liked. I know it did not receive high praises from critics, and the awkward stares that Superman gives was a bit of a pet peeve of mind, but I honestly just really liked the movie. I do not like Superman as a superhero (he is too overpowered), but I just liked him having to find himself as well as seeing all the struggles he has faced in trying to become Superman.

9. Kick-Ass- Kick-Ass
He is good at getting his butt kicked!
Kick-Ass has one superpower, if you can even really call it that, he has a high pain tolerance. He was just a kid who wanted to be a superhero, so he became one. The movie itself made me laugh and in a way it satirized superheroes which I enjoyed. It also showed the impact that a double life would have on a normal teenager. I also enjoyed how harrowing it was to not have a superpower and try and fight crime.

8. Watchmen- The Watchmen
I wonder who has a superpower!
It has been heralded as the greatest comic book series and the movie was pretty good too. It was a super cool premise of an alternate reality where superheroes have a role in the military and global issues. Only Dr. Manhatten has superpowers, but the rest are great crime fighters and geniuses. This leads to one large mystery that actually leads to Ozymandias being the villain and killing innocents, but it was going to lead to peace.

7. X-men: First Class- The X-men
Only one of them can be first in class!
I guess this isn’t technically the X-men since Magneto and Mystique are not X-men, but the mutants I guess were originally X-men since they let Professor X lead them. I loved the idea of again, superheroes having real effects on history and this movie explores the Cuban Missile crisis. I also am a huge fan of this origin story, since it is not told as much as other stories. I like the mutants also not being as strong as they are in the older movies too.

6. Guardians of the Galaxy- The Guardians of the Galaxy
Aliens, Adventure, Heroes, Comedy and Space Travel!
This was a movie that contains pretty little known heroes, but I just loved it. It had the right mix of comedy, action and drama. I loved the whole space cowboy theme to it and the 80’s music to boot. Also, none of the heroes were drastically overpowered and they had to use their wit to defeat a much stronger villain. I really enjoyed that too.

5. Hancock- Hancock
Just remember, he is an alcoholic!
This is the only person on the list that does not have a comic about him, but he is a superhero. He is a lazy one who would prefer to drink himself to oblivion. He is hated by the public for how much money he costs them, but he ends up finding out he has always been a hero. He is interesting in the sense that he can’t be near Mary or they lose their powers, so he has to stay away from the only person who knows him.

4. The Avengers- The Avengers
Looking at this group, they really can't lose!
I really liked this movie even though I wasn’t a huge fan of Iron Man, Thor, Captain America or The Hulk. This movie did a great job combining star studded actors and making an awesome movie. It was great seeing heroes having to work together. They are all great by themselves, but when they worked together, they proved that there is nothing that can stop them.

My top 3 is very controversial because of the movie I choose for the superhero, the superhero that I chose and just the order itself.

3. The Dark Knight Rises- Batman
They didn't have to light stuff on fire, they could have just used the bat signal!
I know the Dark Knight gets all the praise, but this was my favorite of the Batman movies. I loved the themes within the movie and I love Batman as a superhero. He isn’t my favorite, but he is in my top 3. I might be biased on loving this movie as much as I did, because it was partially filmed in Pittsburgh! But I thought it had a great musical score to go along with sharp action and a great plot.

2. The Amazing Spiderman 2- Spiderman
If only he had electric webbing!
Spiderman is my favorite superhero. The Amazing Spiderman movies are telling the story that most people do not know. Everyone knows Mary Jane, but what about Peter’s first girlfriend? This movie had an awesome soundtrack, an almost likeable villain, a great twist that only fans of the comics would know and it shows a great evolution of a hero. I just loved this movie.

1. The League of Extraordinary Gentleman- The League of Extraordinary Gentleman
I just really like this movie, OK!!!
You are probably thinking really, who are they and why are they number one. Spiderman is my favorite superhero, but I just loved this movie so much. The League is based off of late 1880’s novel characters, Quatermain, Nemo, Dorian Grey, Mina (Dracula), and Tom Sawyer. I loved the Steampunk environment and I loved Moriarty being the villain. The movie might not have gotten great reviews, but it just struck a special chord with me. Nothing beats Sean Connery either!

1 comment:

  1. This list is great!! What makes it is that you included The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen; the movie really doesn't get the press it deserves :).
