Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Top 10 Movie Villans

In today’s top ten list, I am going to be examining the top ten movie villains. I am only choosing from movies that I have personally seen, which does not cover every movie out there.

In my opinion, a movie villain is not evil, they are just the character who opposes the protagonists. This list is about the people you love to hate. Just a friendly warning, spoilers might be ahead.

10. Animal House- Dean Wormer
Double Secret Probation!
The man who all fraternities in the 1960’s must fear. The man who has the power to put a fraternity on not just prohibition, but double secret prohibition. Throughout the movie, Dean Wormer is constantly opposing Delta House and their crazy exploits. Wormer is not evil, he is just doing his job, but you have to hate him. He is never calm and he is going out of his way to take Delta’s charter. All he needs is an excuse. When Delta house is on the stand to present their case, after one word, Wormer tells them the case is closed. Delta never even had a chance. He is the least evil villain on this list, but he sure is a memorable one.

9. A Nightmare on Elm Street- Freddy Krueger
Invading dreams before it was cool!
This monster can invade dreams and kill you. He can turn your peaceful happy dreams to deadly nightmares. He thinks he is a funny guy nonetheless. He has a messed up face and wields a bladed glove. He can only kill in dreams, but people can witness the brutal deaths of their friends in dreams in the real world. To make Freddy even scarier, it turns out he was a child killer before he became the nightmare. Freddy can only be hurt in the real world meaning to escape him, one must either be awake while he is in the dream world, or they must take him to the real world and kill him there.

8. Kill Bill Volumes 1 and 2- Bill
Terrible husband, great dad
Bill, the titular character in the series, is the leader of the Deadly Viper Assassination Squad and was the former lover of the Bride. When the bride leaves the gang, she tries to settle in for a new life. However, on her wedding day, she watches as Bill leads the Deadly Viper Assassination Squad to massacre everyone in front of her and ‘kill’ her unborn child. After four hours of killing, the Bride finally finds Bill, only to learn that he has her daughter and has been raising her. The bride does not know what to do and Bill offers her a choice, he just wants them to be a family. Bill is also the strongest fighter in the series and nobody in their right mind would cross him.

7. The Lion King- Scar
At least he can sing!
He is the definition of living in his brother’s shadow. He was second in line to the throne until that pesky little twerp Simba was born. Scar wants the throne so bad, he tricks Simba into putting himself in front of a stampede of animals and when Mufasa saves Simba and asks his brother for help, Scar helps, but not in a good way. He kills Mufasa and chases Simba out of the kingdom. To make Scar all the more evil, his henchmen are insane hyenas, he rules in fear and the kingdom becomes dark and impoverished under his reign. Scar could care less though. He is king. He is as ruthless as it comes for a Disney villain, who kills his own blood, usurps the throne, could be found guilty of kidnapping and he is just a terrible King.

6. Saw- Jigsaw
Let's play a game!

If you were terminally ill, you would gain a new appreciation for life. Jigsaw has gained a twisted new appreciation that he wants everyone to experience. Jigsaw captures his victims and forces them to play games to see how bad they want to live. These tests include deciding to save the person in front of you or your family dies. Each person trapped has been blackmailed to make choices to save themselves. At the end of the film, when  

5. Rocky IV- Ivan Drago
I still can't tell if he is a super human!
Ivan Drago comes in at number 5. This big beast of a man is just pure muscle and packs a strong enough punch to kill Apollo Creed. Creed was the guy who beat Rocky in the original and was Rocky’s rival. Drago killed Creed and just utters “If he dies, he dies”, there is no remorse. Drago is the ideal Communist man of the USSR. In the greatest cinematic boxing match in history, the man embodying Capitalism and the United States Rocky is forced to clash with the man embodying Communism and Russia. This takes place during the cold war which makes the stakes even greater. This mean dude sure can pack a punch and makes for an iconic antagonist.  

4. Se7en- John Doe
So plain, yet so messed up!
A serial killer who kills people who represent the seven deadly sins. For the first half of the movie, we have no idea who John Doe is and the only thing we can determine about him is that he is brutal and unforgiving. We see how he tortures his victims to their death. What really makes him unique is when we finally meet John Doe, he has blood on him and he has turned himself in. Then as the movie heads to the finish, John Doe manages to complete his plan while in police custody. He is the second most manipulative and messed up person on this list.

3. Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith- Darth Vader
He is one mean daddy!
All 6 Star Wars movies have two characters that appear, Obi-won Kinobi and Anakin Skywalker. Skywalker starts as a protagonist, but eventually he becomes the leader of the empire that oppresses Galactic Civilization. Vader destroys planets to send examples to those who oppose him. Vader also kills his mentor Obi-won and also chops off his own son’s hand and leaves him to die. What makes him such a good antagonist is throughout all his evil, Vader even tries to kill the Counselor who turned him to the dark side. Vader has such a memorable appearance and such memorable lines that Vader deserves the number 3 spot.

2. The Dark Knight- The Joker
Why so serious?
“Why so serious” is the best way to describe The Joker in The Dark Knight. What makes the Joker so memorable is he represents chaos. He has no motives to kill people and steal money other than to turn order into chaos. He is so messed up that he manipulates Batman into saving Harvey Dent instead of Rachel to then turn Harvey against Batman. The Joker is constantly promoting anarchy throughout the film and everything he does promotes that. What also makes him such a great villain is he is constantly able to outsmart the World’s greatest detective

1. Silence of the Lambs- Hannibal Lector
Quid Pro Quo!
If you have ever seen Silence of the Lambs, you will know why Hannibal is number one on this list. He is the most manipulative person in the world and while being in a maximum security asylum, he still manages to escape. He is a cannibal, a genius and a gentleman. He values manners and civility above all else. But he also understands the refinement of human flesh. He has no mercy, but he has this obsession with Sterling the whole film. He also displays two opposite points of view. The civility yet brutality of everything Lector does, along with his ability to manipulate anyone makes him the greatest movie villain of all time.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Top 10 Plot Twists in Movies

In my first entry, I am going to be looking at the top 10 movie plot twists. Before I begin there are a few things I need to clarify. First, I am only choosing from movies that I have watched. Second, a twist is something you didn't expect to happen. Finally, there will be spoilers in this list.

10. Star Wars Episode 5: The Empire Strikes Back- Vader is Luke's father

They really did strike back!

When I was little, I was a huge Star Wars fan, as was my dad. It is a huge twist when we find out that the man who murdered Luke Skywalker's father, Darth Vader, never actually murdered Luke's father. Luke's father was still alive, he just happened to go by a new name, Darth Vader. To make this scene even more memorable, Darth Vader then proceeds to cut off Luke's hand.

9. Planet of the Apes- The planet is Earth
Well, this cover spoils it!

In the original Planet of the Apes, a crew of deep space explorers led by George Taylor crashes on a mysterious planet. As the plot unfolds, the last two remaining crew members Taylor and Landon are captured by Apes, who rule this planet with their human servants. It is made clear that humans once ruled this planet (hint hint). At the very end of the movie, when Taylor rides off to freedom, he comes across the Statue of Liberty, which has been buried in the desert, showing they have actually returned to Earth.

8. The Book of Eli- Eli is Blind
Nice Shades!

Throughout the Book of Eli, Eli has been a survivalist who is pretty good at what he does in the apocalypse, surviving. He has been killing bad guys everywhere he goes in order to mass produce the last known copy of the Bible. However, as Eli is dying, he begins to recite the Bible from memory. It all begins to make sense, Eli has been blind this whole time. What makes this twist so great is every fight scene, the director made sure to include some sort of hint that he was blind.

7. Seven- John Doe turns himself in and still completes the plan
2 Great Actors on This Cover

Seven follows a serial killer who has been killing people who embody the seven deadly sins. With Gluttony, Greed, Lust, Pride and Sloth killed, the killer shockingly just turns himself in. Why doesn't he complete his ritual? The answer, he already has, you just have to look at what's in the box to see for yourself.

6. Oldboy- Oh Dae-su is in love with his daughter
He looks just a bit crazy!

Korean films have never been my thing. However, with a US remake on its way, I decided to give it a go. I was not disappointed. Oh Dae-su is suddenly captured an forced to live in a hotel room for 15 years. He is suddenly released and told he has one week to figure out why he was captured, or his daughter who was 3 when he was captured will be killed. After having fallen in love, murdering countless baddies, the antagonist is revealed. The Oh Dae-su and the antagonist Yoo Ji-tae went to high school together and the Dae-su discovered  Ji-tae was having a relationship with his sister and Dae-su told the whole school. Ji-tae's sister then killed herself. The twist however is that the young girl Dae-su has fallen in love with and slept with was actually his daughter he has been looking for this whole time.

5. Psycho- Norman Bates is pretending to be his mom Norma
The master of twists, Hitchcock!

Welcome to the Bates Motel, run by son Norman and his ill mother Norma. If you stay at this motel, you will have a peaceful night sleep, a sleep you will never wake up from. Throughout the movie, it becomes clear that Norma is a killer and needs to be put away. However, we learn that Norma is already dead, Norman has a split personality and when he takes over as Norma, he becomes a killer.

4. The Usual Suspects- Verbal is actually Keyser Soze
He is on the right!

The movie is all about one question, "Who is Keyser Soze". Verbal Kent is in a police station describing his story about how him and his gang were set up by Soze on a suicide mission that resulted in a ship being burned down. At the end of his story, he is given full immunity and walks out. A police sketch comes in and the sketch resembles Kent, who indeed faked his gimp all movie and completely made up his story. Verbal Kent is Keyser Soze.

3. Momento- Leonard actually killed his wife and he is Sammy Jenkins
This picture is Inception before Inception

How does Leonard, a guy with short-term memory loss track down his wife's killer? He has to get tattoo's pictures, take good notes and he has to listen to other people. The movie plays in 5 minute intervals and it starts from the ending chronologically, switches to black and white (the beginning chronologically) and at the end of the movie, it all converges which is the middle chronologically. If you can wrap your head around all that, you are in for a great ending that shows us that Leonard's wife survived the attack, but he ended up killing her by overdosing her on her insulin shots. Now he has just been used by everyone around him, hence why he originally tricked himself into killing certain people.

2. The Sixth Sense- Crowe has been dead the whole time
M. Night had such a great start with this, but he hasn't done much since

A young boy named Cole has a strange condition in which he sees dead people and can communicate with them. Haley eventually comes in contact with Dr. Malcolm Crowe who is a children's psychologist. Crowe has been going through martial problems with his wife, who has been slowly pretending like he doesn't exist. You guessed it, Crowe doesn't exist, he has been dead this whole time.

1. Fight Club- Tyler is one of the protagonists multiple personality
Better than the spliced photo!

This movie just blew my mind. The first twist in my mind is the name of the movie, Fight Club. The movie is not really about fighting. The unnamed protagonist has been suffering from insomnia and hates his corporate job. However, he meets Tyler Durdan who just shakes up his life and makes him feel alive. When things go downhill with Tyler, he investigates Tyler only to learn that they are the same person. The protagonist is Durdan and even at the ending, we cannot tell who is who.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015


Hi, my name is Tyler and I am an avid fan of top 10 lists. I don't know why, but I have this fascination with these sorts of lists and I will read nearly anything that is made in a top 10 even if I don't know anything about the things being ranked. This blog is going to be me, just ranking things that are part of either pop culture, sports or anything else that I just happen to find interesting. If you are as curious as me and you just have this weird obsession with reading top 10 lists, I suggest following my blog!